“A very enlightening experience which dispelled a lot of the doubts I had
of my ability to paint with watercolours” Willie
Until further notice Workshop and Paintshops will be scheduled by request only and limited to one per month

Our Watercolour Workshops and one day Paintshops are an adventure into the wonderful world of watercolours! They are fun but still serious, no pressure and a great foundation for learning to effectively manipulate your watercolours to achieve successful results.
"Sharing my love and knowledge of watercolours;
encouraging students to “play” not just paint; seeing them gain confidence developing important foundation skills; and nurturing their creativity to try techniques outside their comfort zone, gives me immense pleasure!"
Margaret Nock Rodriguez
All classes subject to terms and conditions, which can be found here
Suitable for adults & teenagers, and both beginners as well as artists seeking to boost their confidence using watercolours, our workshops provide an opportunity to learn valuable techniques and develop good foundation skills. Practice, experiment and play with artist’s quality watercolours until you become comfortable & confident with how & why things happen then learn what to do when you don’t like what’s happening!
“Easy to follow along based on the discussions and demos and the personalized guidance
provided while painting. The small size of the class lends well to this” Ann
US$ 325.00. 12 hours of tuition.
Artists quality materials will be supplied for WS1.
Maximum 4 students per workshop.
Deposit US$100.00 required to reserve your seat with balance due 21 days prior to class.
Contact us if you are interested in a private individual or group session.
If you have a secret desire to paint or wish to brush up on your watercolour skills, this workshop is the perfect place to start! All the materials you need will be supplied.
When you read you begin with ABC, When you sing you begin with Do Re Mi,
When you paint with watercolours you begin with Play, Play, Play
So you can learn how to be Loose, Colourful & Free!
“There were many valuable things that I learnt as this was my first art lesson. I learnt about materials and techniques, light and dark and glazing. The accommodation was comfortable and I appreciated that the group was small so we each had lots of individual attention” Ann
NB. WS1 is a prerequisite for many of our Watercolour Classes & Workshops.
Contact us for a course outline and what to expect.
As you continue to develop the techniques learnt in WS1, becoming more comfortable manipulating your brush and in tune with the intensity and fluidity of your watercolour pigments, you will be amazed at how easily you can create volume and depth by learning how to portray light and shadow on simple objects. This workshop is the next step in developing your personal style and an opportunity to learn to LET IT FLOW! Watercolour paper and some materials will be supplied.
”We covered a lot in the 3 days! Very interesting and informative!
I learnt valuable techniques and the freedom to relax and let things happen.” Debbie
Student artwork by Bernadette
Contact us for a course outline and what to expect.
Having gained experience using different types of washes and creating volume in simple shapes, you will transfer those skills into developing several floral scenes. The focus will be on maintaining white spaces while enhancing your story of volume and depth by using light against dark, dropping in crevice darks and adding selective punches of colour. Less is more and knowing when to put down your brush can be a challenge! Watercolour paper and some materials will be supplied.
“Great personalized instruction and covered a lot of information. The most valuable thing I learnt was to have a plan then think about the white/light because you can’t add the white later and the hardest thing to grasp was mixing a “juicy” colour with just the right amount of water.
Mine was often too wet.” Mimi
Contact us for a course outline and what to expect.
“I so enjoyed this workshop I wish it could’ve been longer.
Content was useful and easy to understand and it was a wonderful relaxing way to learn.” Tessa
4 hours of fun themed exercises designed to practice techniques developed in WS1 and introduce some simple but very useful tips and tricks to easily add texture and life to your artwork.
Get together with a few friends, we host private paint parties at STUDIO288 for groups of 3 - 6.
“Margaret was a great teacher and explained everything very clearly.
She was thorough and complimentary, reinforcing that anyone can be an artist.” Isa
With step-by-step guidance to inspire your creativity, students will produce several small seascapes while experimenting with graduated washes, dropping in colour, lifting, scoring and wax resist techniques, the sky’s the limit!
US$ 150.00 includes materials. Maximum 4 students per session.
10% Discount (materials not included) for graduates of WS1
Deposit US$50.00 required to reserve your seat. Balance due 21 days prior to class.
Contact us for a course outline and what to expect.
Experimenting with contrasting light against dark, whimsical petals, deep dark centres and a salty surprise! With step-by-step guidance to inspire your creativity, a lovely sunny flower will emerge on your paper, a lovely gift for your family to admire.
US$ 150.00 includes materials. Maximum 4 students per session.
10% Discount (materials not included) for graduates of WS1
Deposit US$50.00 required to reserve your seat. Balance due 21 days prior to class.
Contact us for a course outline and what to expect.
10% donated to The Barbados Association of Palliative Care in memory of Catherine King
Loosen up & let the flowers come alive on your paper! Learn about negative painting, practice random washes, drop in colour and see what happens when you “Let it Flow”!
US$ 150.00 includes materials. Maximum 4 students per session.
10% Discount (materials not included) for graduates of WS1
Deposit US$50.00 required to reserve your seat. Balance due 21 days prior to class.
Contact us for a course outline and what to expect.